Improved: Plan navigation and joint logins

Bing bong, sorry to disturb you but we've rolled out two little updates that might make your day just a smidge easier.

First off, we've improved navigation around plans a little bit more. When viewing a plan in Plannr we now show the high-level "type" of plan in the breadcrumb right up in the top left hand side of the screen. This gives you a much faster way of getting back to where you were and was suggested to us on our community.

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The other addition that snuck in this morning is one that should make adding logins to joint clients a little easier, too! The form for adding a login now suggests email addresses that belong to the individuals who make up the joint client record. Again, another awesome suggestion that arrived from our community.

Thanks for the suggestions as ever; we hope you find these updates helpful.

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Client plans section sticky filters and other improvements

We've just released a few small improvements to the plans section within a client record on Plannr to introduce sticky filters and to improve the way data was loaded.

The "include inactive" and "include all plans" toggles on the page are now sticky, so if you set it to include all plans and move away from the page, log out and back in, the settings will still be there.

This release also includes:

  • Improved space between the pin icon and the conversation title on the client portal
  • Joined buttons for "yes/no" questions aren't as wide now
  • The "add new task" button is back in the task list view

We hope this helps!

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Client plans interface

Happy Friday!

We’ve just rolled out our upgraded interface for plans within a client record following our discussion on the community recently.

If you’ve not noticed, when you view a contact you now have a new “plans” option on the left hand side:

CleanShot 2024-04-05 at 15.03.26.webp-5787

CleanShot 2024-04-05 at 15.03.42.webp-6210

Alongside this release, we’ve also rolled out:

Big performance gains on loading plans and valuations on plans in Plannr. In some instances we’ve made a 800% improvement on load time!

What do you think about this update?
NEW: Provider sync logs

More updates! Alongside the contract enquiry release yesterday we rolled out another little gem of a feature called provider sync logs.

Given that we have a growing number of provider feeds in Plannr we thought it might be useful to show any errors that we've received when attempting to collect valuation data. Historically, these errors were something that our development team could see but we thought it would be handy to make them visible to you too.

Under each plan in Plannr there's a new "Sync Log" page that shows any logs that have been generated. Sometimes provider systems are offline when we attempt to grab valuations so now you'll be able to see that we attempted to grab valuations but something went wrong.

This is especially useful for contract enquiry powered plans as it can give a little more detail as to what went wrong too.

We hope this helps to understand why valuations sometimes don't appear etc.

What do you think about this update?
New: Premium History

This new feature allows you to store premium history information on various plans and on pensions allows either an £Amount or % of Salary.

If the premium is coming from a switch or transfer you can choose an existing plan in Plannr or detail the Plan type and Sub Type.

A new Premiums importer is available to bulk import your plan premium data.

Once your data is in Plannr there is also a new Premium Export, this allows you to export and filter on various things see screen shots below.

Please Note - We have migrated over any previously entered premium information into the new premium history area. We would suggest carrying out a premium export to check your data.

We have also updated our support articles as follows:

We hope you will find this useful so give it a try!

If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Wrap Plans and child plans

The Wrap plan functionality in Plannr has been updated.

You are now able to mark a plan as a Wrap Product and add child plans within the Wrap

Please see below a couple of example screens but for full details regarding how to please see the links below:

Please Note- The Valuation detailed on the Wrap Product will be the sum of the valuations of the child plans linked to the Wrap and also as such the Key Metrics and client net worth have been updated accordingly.

Give it a try! If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to raise a ticket in the usual way or via

What do you think about this update?
New - Ability to add sub-schemes to a Group Scheme

The Group Scheme functionality in Plannr has been updated.

You are now able to add sub-schemes against a Group Scheme.

  • To add a Sub Scheme select 'Add' and choose Sub Scheme
  • Once added any sub schemes will show in the new Sub Schemes area where you can edit the sub scheme and add the usual things such as New Business Events, Charges, Documents etc.
  • You will also be able to go straight to the parent scheme using the linkat the top of the page

When adding scheme members select the Scheme Members area under the parent scheme and select Add Scheme Member as you previously did, there is a new field so that you are able to slect teh appropriate sub scheme for the member to be added to.

We have also updated the Importers and Exporters

We hope you like this update! We will also be producing additional guides in the coming days.

All the best, Lysa and the Plannr team

What do you think about this update?
When saving a plan the focus remains on a clients plans and not the Dashboard

There was a problem identified when saving plans it took you back to the client dashboard.

This has now been fixed

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When deleting a plan, it should take you back to the clients plan screen, not overall plans.

When deleting a plan within a client the system used to take you to the full plans list and not the clients plans

This has now been fixed

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Improved: Plans page header

Whilst making a few tweaks around the system we've also tidied up the way that the plan page looks when you're viewing a single plan in Plannr.

CleanShot 2023-03-31 at 08.28.28.png

We've managed to reduce down the amount of space that it used, but also structured the additional information like policy number a little better too.

We hope this helps!

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Plan list panels

Good news, we've tidied up the way that plans appear within Plannr.

On the main plans page (firm-wide and client specific) the panel used to provide an overview of the plan was a little bit messier than we would have liked so we've rolled out a little improvement to tidy that up.

Hopefully that's looking a bit neater for you.

What do you think about this update?