Improved: Smoother logins

Following a busy week last week, we've rolled out another couple of nice improvements for Plannr.

We've made some really handy updates to make adding logins to clients easier and faster. The form now allows you to select email addresses that have been loaded against the client record as the email you would like to invite to the portal but still allows you to add a new email address if needed. The form even shows you if an email address is already used for a login on the client too.

Alongside this, we've also updated for the form fields to be alphabetical too!

We hope this helps, and thanks Richard and Dan from our community for the awesome suggestion!

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Client Portal Login Options and Welcome Email Branding

Following feedback from our users, we have expanded the options available upon creating a client login. This allow you to tailor the portal experience for your clients.

You can now choose to exclude:

  • The Welcome Message
  • Goals
  • Factfinds
  • Tasks

In addition to the existing ability to exclude Wealth.

Bella Pereira.png-2299

Please see the guide for the full details on the Client Login options: Client Login Options Guide

With these improvements comes the ability to change the Welcome Email that is sent to the client. This can be done from your Firm Branding in Settings:

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Also in Firm Branding is the ability to change your email branding. Now, you can fully customise your email colours using our five colour selectors. These correspond to the different elements of the email like so:

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The full support guide for the updated Firm Branding is coming soon.

Please note:

  • Custom css has been removed from login controls (but will be coming later)
What do you think about this update?
Launched: New accounts functionality and revamped portals

Exciting news, our team have just deployed one of the biggest releases in Plannr's history - the new accounts functionality and revamped client portals.

In this release we've introduced the following:

New ways to work with employees & introducers, via conversations, document sharing and more
Massively improved client portals with two distinct flavours; wealth-enabled and wealth-disabled.
A simplified "contacts" screen in Plannr that contains all clients, employees and introducers together, with the ability to filter between the various types
Improved login controls for clients
... and much more!
Really proud of what the team have pulled off on this release and as ever if you have any comments or feedback please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Enjoy the new portals!

What do you think about this update?