Update: Revenue Analysis Based on Receipts

We just wanted to let you know that we’ve rolled out an improvement to the Revenue Analysis Based on Receipts Report this afternoon.

You are now able to choose the Report Date basis of what you would like to report and can choose either the Expectation, Bank Receipt or Reconciled dates.

You are also still able to choose Statement as you could before.

If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to let us know in the usual way


What do you think about this update?
Reporting / Exports / Searches
New Charges Export and Charges Import

Hello everyone!

Many of you have been asking for the ability to Export and also import Charge Schedules, so hopefully an early Christmas present as these are now available in Plannr.

Within Business go to Reports / Exports where you will see the option to generate a Charges Export and can filter your results as appropriate:

There is also now the ability to import Charge Schedules in bulk using the new Charges import.

Within Business go to Imports, select Add New and choose Charges. You can download the sample import CSV and once completed use the standard Validate and Create functionality.

Support Articles are being completed and will be available shortly which will give you all of the step by step guides but as always any queries please let us know.


Lysa and your team at Plannr

What do you think about this update?
Reporting / Exports / Searches
Improved Client and Plan Exports

Hi Everyone

We now have added the ability to filter on and export external references that would have been created automatically if you migrated from IO or AO.

This is useful for cross referencing and enriching data in Plannr.

Note - If you would like any assistance with the use of VLookups in Excel and data enrichment don't forget you can reach out to the Implementation team (implementation@plannrcrm.com) at Plannr who offer a Consultancy and Training service at our standard hourly rates.

What do you think about this update?
Reporting / Exports / Searches
Improved: Chunked exports now working

Hello everyone! We've just put live a really cool improvement to our reporting engine in Plannr that makes it much better at handling large data-sets.

We've released a very nerdy update behind the scenes that takes your large export and breaks it down into smaller chunks, processes each chunk separately and then merges all the various chunked reports together at the end. What this means for the average joe is that we can deal with absolutely MASSIVE exports of 10s if not 100s of thousands of rows of data very easily.

Included in this update were the following fixes for known issues:

  • We now display an error if you attempt to send a conversation but don't have write permissions
  • Adding a new task status now refreshes the list of statuses
  • Notes are no longer loading the wrong notes when viewing child items in Plannr
  • Premium details (note field) are now visible on the premium history page
What do you think about this update?
Reporting / Exports / Searches
New: Tasks Export

Following the recent release on Tasks V2 you are also now able to export your tasks in Plannr using the new Task Export where you will have a number of filters. More filters will be available in future releases.

There are a number of columns showing all of the data you may need and can use to filter your tasks including the following:

  • Various uuids
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Description
  • Due at
  • Completed at
  • Completed by
  • Assigned to
  • Is Sub Task (Yes / No)
  • Parent Task
  • URL

If you paste the URL into your browser this will take your directly to the task / sub task

We hope you will find this useful so give it a try!

If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What do you think about this update?
Reporting / Exports / Searches
New: Notes Exporter

Good news, our notes exporter is now live!

The Notes Exporter gives you a really quick way of extracting information on notes added to Plannr including the use of a number of filters.

Please Note
The Notes Exporter do not include notes added against tasks at the moment.

We hope this helps so give it a try! If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What do you think about this update?
New: Cases Exporter

Good news, our cases exporter is now live! The cases exporter gives you a really quick way of extracting information on cases that you've created / worked on in Plannr including the following filters:

CleanShot 2023-10-02 at 16.47.21@2x.png-76

PLUS filters for any custom fields you've made too.

We hope that helps for compliance reporting etc.

What do you think about this update?
Improved - Additional filters, displays and functions on Reports and Report Templates

There are now additional filters, displays and functions within the Reporting Exports Area for both Reports and Templates:


  • You are able to filter by Employee and view which employee created each report as a new column is present.
  • When viewing the Report preview you can choose to delete the report by selecting Actions / Delete, a delete confirmation message is then shown.


  • You are able to filter by Employee and view which employee created each template as a new column is present.

We hope you like this update!

All the best, Lysa and the Plannr team

What do you think about this update?
Improved: RMAR (Section K) Detailed Report

We have improved the RMAR report (Section K)

You are now able to see the details behind Section 3 - Number of ongoing services provided including both independent and restricted advice.

Previously we did not provide any details of the clients paying for, started or stopped paying for ongoing advice services.

If a detailed report is run there are now additional tab as follows:

  • K Detailed - A12
  • K Detailed - A13
  • K Detailed - A14

Within these tans you can view the following:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Entity Name
  • Client Type
  • Client UUID
  • Total Records

Below is an Example:

We hope you like this update!

More soon, Lysa and the Plannr team

What do you think about this update?
New: Aged debt report now available!

Our latest report is now live on Plannr and this one is for our users of income reconciliation!

We've rolled out our new aged debt report, that outputs the following columns:

  • Adviser Name
  • Client Name
  • Provider
  • Product
  • Policy / Ref No
  • Revenue Type
  • Premium
  • Frequency
  • Expected Date
  • Total Received
  • Up to 30 days
  • Up to 60 days
  • Up to 90 days
  • Over 90 days
  • Total Outstanding


What do you think about this update?