NEW: Provider sync logs

More updates! Alongside the contract enquiry release yesterday we rolled out another little gem of a feature called provider sync logs.

Given that we have a growing number of provider feeds in Plannr we thought it might be useful to show any errors that we've received when attempting to collect valuation data. Historically, these errors were something that our development team could see but we thought it would be handy to make them visible to you too.

Under each plan in Plannr there's a new "Sync Log" page that shows any logs that have been generated. Sometimes provider systems are offline when we attempt to grab valuations so now you'll be able to see that we attempted to grab valuations but something went wrong.

This is especially useful for contract enquiry powered plans as it can give a little more detail as to what went wrong too.

We hope this helps to understand why valuations sometimes don't appear etc.

What do you think about this update?