NEW: Bulk actions on tasks

We just wanted to share with you that task bulk actions / multi-select is now live!

This update brings the following 8 shiny new bulk actions to your toolkit:

CleanShot July 1 from Plannr CRM.png-7292

Whilst this has taken a fair bit of time to build the majority of the time has been spent building an engine behind the scenes that means we can more easily plug this into other parts of Plannr. Our intention is to focus on getting bulk actions enabled on contacts next, and then places like cases after that.

There’s a really decent guide on this new feature written up for you already in our support site and you can find this guide here:

From all of us at Plannr, we hope this makes your life that little bit easier! Enjoy!

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Tasks, additional list view option within the 'My tasks' area similar to the Dashboard / My Open Tasks list view.

Following feedback from our users, we have expanded the available views within the tasks areas:

  • My Tasks
  • Client Tasks
  • Case Tasks
  • Plan Tasks

This means that you are now able to view in a task list as well as the Grid (kanban board) view.
Tasks - New Options.png-210

There was no ability to see a sub task when you were not assigned to the main task and in this new list view you are able to see these child tasks:
Tasks - List View showing sub Tasks.png-6954

Task Filters
You are now able to filter by ‘Has due date’ and the Filter by overdue is now a list view:
Tasks - Filters.png-7818

My Tasks View
Within the dashboard overview ‘My Open Tasks’ area there is now the ability to show tasks with due dates or tasks without any due dates using the new icons:
Tasks - With due dates.png-7534
Tasks - Without due dates.png-1562

If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to let us know in the usual way

What do you think about this update?
Improved: Tasks V2

We are so excited to have launched Tasks V2 overnight last Thursday and can’t wait for you all to see the huge improvements that have been made! A quick look at the headlines for you:

Your task columns (we call these statuses) are now uniform across the board - all task boards at a client, plan or case level will now follow the same layout, making reporting on tasks a whole lot easier. You can define these in the settings area of Plannr, under Tasks Statuses!

Your new tasks board has a really clear display, with colour coded status bars along the top of each task - which updates as a task is moved along the board. The header of each task tells you whether the task is held against a client, a case or a plan (this is new! You can now assign tasks against a plan).

Looking at the task itself, there are useful icons which give you an overview of the priority, due date, assigned user/client and whether there are any subtasks.

And here is my favourite part - the task itself now has it’s very own page in Plannr! So when you click on a task you are taken to a new URL within the app (which makes for really easy sharing with colleagues if needed) - simply copy and paste the url in the web address bar to send. Here’s what the new task page looks like:

A cool little feature is that you can now drag and drop tasks on top of each other to make one a subtask of another - handy!

Also, if you find yourself with a long list of tasks across your firm, on the My Tasks dashboard you can now scroll within each column (rather than scrolling the whole page) just to look at the specific task status you’re interested in.

Another exciting feature is real-time notifications for both the creator of a task (when something has been completed) or the assignee of a task (when a task has been given to you). This little pop up in-app is a nice visual, and of course you still receive a notification bell confirming what’s been done if you don’t happen to be sitting at your screen at the time.

There’s so much more that’s great about our new tasks system, and we really want to say a huge thank you for your patience in waiting for us to roll it out - as you can tell our incredible team of developers have worked really hard to build something that’s not only functional but also beautiful! We’re really proud of this - and hope you love it too!

Give it a try! If you have any questions or issues please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What do you think about this update?
Task redirection

Good news, we've rolled out an update that redirects you to the parent task when you complete a sub-task.

This was a highly requested feature from our community and we're really pleased to get this little enhancement rolled out for you all.

Happy Plannr-ing!

What do you think about this update?