Improved: ⏱️ Timer entries

We've just published a new update on Plannr that brings in a highly requested feature: the ability to record a block of time as an alternative to starting / stopping timers when work is completed.

If you go to start a timer you'll spot you have an option to record a block of time, or to start a timer to run in the background. If you, like me, would rather fill in the time you've spent at the end of a day you can now do that! You can log what you were doing, still link it the client / case / task that you want to but rather than remembering exactly when you started and ended you can record that you've spent 1.3 hrs on a task.

Oh, and we've improved the way that time entries appear now too, showing a visual representation of how your time has been spent.

CleanShot 2023-07-07 at 14.13.53.png

We hope you like these updates!

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Improved: It's now easier to add time entries to cases

We've rolled out a small release to make it easier to load timers into your cases in Plannr.

Now all you need to do is navigate to the time entries page within a case and you'll find a new button to add a new entry. From here it'll automatically select the case (or client) that you've added a new timer entry through and will let you name it as per normal.

We hope this helps!

What do you think about this update?