Update: New Business Events - Additional Features added

We've rolled out an update on the New Business Events that quite a few people have asked for including:

Additional contribution types:

  • Advice Point
  • Pension Transfer
  • Switch
  • Notes box

Premium / Contribution & Frequency- now optional

Status and Proposal Date

  • Proposed
  • Accepted

Start Date - only mandatory where Status = Accepted

Additional Filters and column headings

  • Client Level
  • Plan Level
  • New Business Events Summary Report
  • New Business Export

We hope these changes help!

What do you think about this update?
NEW: New Business Event export and report now live!

Our team have just released two new reports for you in Plannr; the New Business Event export and a separate report!

We've written a little support article on how to use them over here: https://plannrcrm.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/article/21299201

What do you think about this update?
New Business Events are now live!

Super super super excited to share with you all that we've pushed live the new business events / register on Plannr!

I've recorded a very quick overview video over on Loom highlighting what you can do, and also explained at the end that next week we'll be rolling out the report / export that you can produce from Plannr with all the new business events.

We hope you like the update, as ever please let us know your thoughts / feedback!

What do you think about this update?