Hey folks!
Just a little update for you about the way we will work with you when helping to resolve any issues within Plannr, or undertaking any training with you on your site 😄
When you reach out to us with a query on the helpdesk sometimes it is appropriate or necessary for us to take a look at your site, live, to help with bug diagnostics or to see what you are experiencing with your specific data and setup.
We have today released a new bit of functionality that will allow you to grant the Plannr team with temporary access to your site, only when you specifically allow it, and only for the amount of time you wish us to impersonate your login for. You can grant us access for between two hours and two weeks depending on the complexity of your issue or how long we are working with you undergoing training and consultancy. When you ask us to login, we will send you an email requesting temporary access.
Once you have granted us access we will be able to impersonate you on your site for the pre-agreed amount of time, to help with your query or training and get you going again!
As always if you need our help reach out to our fantastic support team via the live chat in app, or email help@plannrcrm.com 🥸 🚀