Improved client navigation, easier joint clients and income reconciliation time-savers!

Good afternoon all, I just wanted to let you know that we’ve rolled out a couple of handy features today. I’ll dive into each one in turn below. Grab a brew!

Improved client navigation

We’ve added more options to the “add new” button under a client and because there’s now quite a few, we’ve tweaked the layout of the dropdown! It’s in alphabetical order now (yay!) and should be easier to navigate for you all.

CleanShot 2024-03-08 at 14.55.35.png-7817

Easier joint clients

This is a first pass at making the joint client experience slicker for you all. We’ve introduced a few new nice-to-haves on Plannr around joint clients. For example, when you go to add something new to a joint client you now have this:

The first question it’ll ask is who this plan belongs to but it extends to most other things that you can create under a joint client. No more having to navigate around to the individual records etc, it’s all right there at the tough of a button.

Going hand-in-hand with this, we now group records together on most of the screens without a joint client so you can easily see the entire picture of a joint client in one place, like below:


On every page you can see everything, or filter down to the records owned by a significant contact. Noice!

Income reconciliation button improvements

We had a little feedback request come in yesterday that stopped us in our tracks as it was such an awesome little feature to build in so we hopped straight on it. We’ve had a bit of feedback that having to scroll up to the action buttons in income reconciliation screens was getting a bit tiresome when you had lots of records but don’t worry, we’ve made the screen smarter! When you scroll down now, the buttons will float down with you. Again, a small improvement but hopefully a big time-saver!

That’s all for now, we’re still aiming to get the automation blocks out today (bit delayed!) and will shout when they go live.

Enjoy the updates!

What do you think about this update?