Reporting / Exports / Searches
Improved: Chunked exports now working

Hello everyone! We've just put live a really cool improvement to our reporting engine in Plannr that makes it much better at handling large data-sets.

We've released a very nerdy update behind the scenes that takes your large export and breaks it down into smaller chunks, processes each chunk separately and then merges all the various chunked reports together at the end. What this means for the average joe is that we can deal with absolutely MASSIVE exports of 10s if not 100s of thousands of rows of data very easily.

Included in this update were the following fixes for known issues:

  • We now display an error if you attempt to send a conversation but don't have write permissions
  • Adding a new task status now refreshes the list of statuses
  • Notes are no longer loading the wrong notes when viewing child items in Plannr
  • Premium details (note field) are now visible on the premium history page
What do you think about this update?