New: Raymond James, Novia, 7IM & Wealthtime are live!

Hello everyone, exciting news if you’re a firm who has assets with either Raymond James, Novia, 7IM or Wealthtime.

We’ve just pushed our FINIO-powered integration on Plannr and you can now enable valuation feeds from all of these. If you’re wanting to turn on one of the valuation feeds from those companies in Plannr please could you visit the following link:

This will send an instruction over to FINIO to start routing valuation data to us through their system so it’s really important that you fill this in first.

You’ll be asked for a TPSP number when filling in the form and this is a unique identifier from our system that is passed back and forth between FINIO and us to know which firm needs plugging in etc and you can get this from within the Add-on store in Plannr. You’ll need to visit our store under settings, click onto the provider you would like to enable data feeds for (e.g. one of the platforms mentioned above) and the add-on will tell you the TPSP number for your firm. Copy that and paste it into the FINIO form above and then give both systems a few days to get things hooked up and that’s it.

We hope you like the new integrations!

What do you think about this update?