Improved: Income Reconciliation Auto match, Defaults and Provider Statement Uploads

We've rolled out 3 new items as continued improvements to Income Reconciliation:

Auto match Rules - improved matching rules

Provider transaction / Reconcile to Expectation - a number of updates to aid in the matching process:

  • Limited to Current Payment Period will default to No
  • The policy number is automatically added as a filter when reconciling
  • Reconciling tables will display in descending order
  • Main tables have been kept in their default ascending order
  • Defaults per page has been reduced to 25 for main tables / pages and 10 for reconciling tables

Provider statement upload - Improved default and mapping defaults:

  • When Uploading a Provider Statement the 'Does the CSV have headers' will default to selected.
  • Only the minimum (mandatory) columns have to be mapped (Name / Policy number / Gross Amount and Category), all other columns will be pre-filled with ignore but you can , of course choose to map these columns as well.

We hope these changes help!

What do you think about this update?