Various improvements and fixes

Good evening, here's an update from the dev team on the various things that have been deployed recently:

  • Improved: In-app confirmations / alerts. When you edit or create something in plannr we used to show a banner across the top of the page to confirm the action has been run however now you get a much tidier little panel appear in the bottom right of the browser window.

CleanShot 2023-04-26 at 19.29.02@2x.png

  • Fixed: No warnings shown when attempted to edit someone else's note. Plannr will now warn you that you cannot edit someone else's note.

  • Fixed: Moving tasks up and down in the task list now stores the correct position / order.

  • Improved: How scrolling works in the notifications panel that pops out from the side of your screen when viewing your notifications.

  • Improved: You can now edit sub-accounts within plans.

  • Fixed: You can now remove a previously set priority from tasks in Plannr.

What do you think about this update?