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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
I would like to ask that contacts are listed alphabetically by surname and not first name.
We have raised this issue before, but now it has become a problem for us.
We are now using Saturn and have the Plannr/Saturn integration up and running but when you view the synched client list in Saturn, because it has pulled through in the Plannr format - first name, last name - joint record cards are sort of lost. For example, we can view a single Plannr record card in Saturn under 'K' as 'Kitty Stirling' but my name appears nowhere near my husband's, as his first initial is 'C'. And then to find the joint record card, against which notes should be stored, we have to go to 'M' for 'Mr C and Mrs K Stirling'.
It can also be seen, therefore, that allowing us to free type the joint record card title has caused an issue. We have elected to name joint record cards with clients titles, but in Saturn, this means that all the joint cards - against which we want to save notes - are under M for Mr and Mrs or D for Dr.
If I could upvote this 10 times I would.
@paulgrant you might like to add your name to this one, if you haven't.