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If you add a new premium (for e.g. £20K ISA contribution ) it does not automatically create a 'Contribution' entry in the Transactions section. Therefore if you filter by 'Contributions' in the Transaction section this will not give a full picture of all of the contributions made to that plan (you have to cross reference Premiums also if you want to see all the contribtutions made). Withdrawals from a plan are only viewable within the Transaction section so it doesnt quite make sense that you cant get a full picture of the ins and outs of a plan in the Transaction section. I have been informed that if you add a corresponding 'Contribution' to the Transaction section (in addition to the Premium created) then this effectively duplicates the contributions to the plan (£40K instead of just £20K). We have have just had our data transferred into Plannr and all Contributions and Withdrawals have only been added to the Transaction section so ideally we would want all new contributions to be shown in here going forward automatically. A new Premium should be treated the same as a new Contribution to a plan?
changed description "If you add a new
investmentpremium (for e.g. £20K ISA contribution )viait does not automatically create a 'Contribution' entry in the'NewBusinessEvent'Transactions section. Therefore if you filter by 'Contributions' in the Transaction section this will not give a full picture of all of the contributions made toaPlanthat plan (you have to cross reference Premiums also if you want to see all the contribtutions made). Withdrawals from a plan are only viewable within the Transaction section so it doesnt quite make sense that you cant get a full picture of the ins and outs of a plan in the Transaction section. I have been informed that if you add a corresponding 'Contribution' to the Transaction section (in addition to the Premium created) then thisautomaticallycreatesa'Premium'entry.However,itdoesnotautomaticallycreatea'Contribution'entryintheTransactionssection.Thereforeifyoufilterby'Contributions'intheTransactionsectionthiswillnotgiveafullpictureofallofthecontributionsmadetothatplan(youhavetocrossreferencePremiumsalsoifyouwanttoseeallthecontribtutionsmade).WithdrawalsfromaplanareonlyviewablewithintheTransactionsectionsoitdoesntquitemakesensethatyoucantgetafullpictureoftheinsandoutsofaplanintheTransactionsection.Ihavebeeninformedthatifyouaddacorresponding'Contribution'totheTransactionsection(inadditiontothePremiumcreated)thenthiseffectively duplicates the contributions to the plan (£40K instead of just £20K). We have have just had our data transferred into Plannr and all Contributions and Withdrawals have only been added to the Transaction section so ideally we would want all new contributions to be shown in here going forward automatically. A new Premium should be treated the same as a new Contribution to a plan? "