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Some of our clients only wish to be addressed by their title and surname and there isn't the functionality to amend the client portal greeting from first name surname. We are having to switch off the welcome enabled to hide this name.
The known as field in Plannr (also called nickname in Document Builder - can this be standardised?) would be useful to amend to a general Salutation field - or a new salutation field added - as currently if we put in known as Mr Jones then our client's contact record shows as Mr Jones Jones. Their client portal still shows as FirstName Jones and doesn't use the known as field, even though the adviser portal does.
Would be good to be consistent with the use of known as / nickname / salutation and offer flexibility with toggling this on and off depending where in the system you are.
changed category from "Contacts (Clients / Prospects / Employees / Introducers)" to "Client Portal"
changed category from "Client Portal" to "Contacts (Clients / Prospects / Employees / Introducers)"