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When I amworking on a plan usually it means that I am corresponding with 1. product provider, 2. the client and or 3. a third party.
Most often, its 1 and 2.
When I phone the provider I have to pass security which involves answering questions about the policy and the policy owner. This involves switching between screens on my computer and it woulkd be much better if I could open a plan and see the providers phone number and email address and basic details of the plan owner so that I can pass security without switching between screens. After speaking the provider it is common to have to email the provider or the client or a third party based on the telephone conversation just had. If I could click on the associated email link showing within the plan and send a templated email (as mostly the emails are similar) or a free hand email and have those recorded aganst the plan/client/provider.
This would save a shed load of time